Privacy Policy
Last updated on March 17, 2023.
Chipsoft India. (“Chipsoft”, “Company”, We, Us, or “Our), owns and
operates the website Cloudmice (hereinafter referred to as “the Platform”) is
committed to protecting Your privacy and the Personal Data (defined hereinafter)
that You share while using the Platform.
Cloudmice is a virtual event hosting technology platform which enables Hosts to
organise Events and connects them with Participants for providing them Services
through the Platform.
This Privacy Policy is applicable to Chipsoft and its affiliates and subsidiaries and
is incorporated into and subject to Our terms of use (Terms”) and shall be read
harmoniously and in conjunction with the Terms. Unless specifically defined
herein, all capitalised terms used herein but not defined in this Privacy Policy shall
have the meaning ascribed to them under the Terms.
This Privacy Policy specifies the manner in which Your Personal Data is collected,
received, stored, disclosed, transferred, dealt with, or otherwise processed by the
Company through Your use of the Platform. This Privacy Policy does not apply to
information that You provide to, or that is collected by, any Third Party Service
Providers (defined hereinafter) through the Platform, and any Third Party Sites
(defined hereinafter) that You access or use in connection with the Services
offered on the Platform.
Please read the Privacy Policy carefully prior to using or registering on the
Platform or accessing any Content or availing any Services through the Platform.
By visiting the Platform or setting up or creating an Account on the Platform for
availing the Services and clicking on the “I accept” button provided on the
Platform, You (You”, “Your, “Yourself” as applicable) accept and agree to be
bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy and consent to the
Company collecting, storing, processing, transferring, sharing and using Your
information including Your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Please note that the term You” under this Privacy Policy, shall mean the Hosts
and Participants individually and collectively, when the context requires.
In case You are a Host who is accessing the Platform as a representative of and on
behalf of a legal entity or organisation, (i) You represent and warrant that You
have the full authority to represent the legal entity and have power to bind them;
and (ii) You understand that the Privacy Policy, upon acceptance by You, is
applicable to and binds all other persons co-hosting an Event and accessing or
using the Platform and the Services on behalf of the same legal entity or
organisation for this purpose.
Further, in case You are a minor as per the laws of the territory/country from
where You are accessing the Platform, You (i) accept and acknowledge that You
are accessing the Platform through a parent or a legal guardian who is of a legal
age to form a binding contract in accordance with applicable laws of such
territory/country and such person has accepted this Privacy Policy on Your behalf
to bind You, and also hereby undertake that You are permitted to lawfully access
the Platform from the territory/country from which You are accessing it; and (ii)
hereby acknowledge that You are accessing this Platform (including the interactive
features therein) under the supervision of Your parent or legal guardian and have
their express permission to use the Services. Please note that there are certain
specific provisions of the Privacy Policy which may be applicable to You in case
You are a minor. If You believe Your minor is accessing the Services or Platform
without Your consent, please contact Us.
1. Our statement of privacy practice
We are not in the business of selling Personal Data collected by Us from You. We
use Your Personal Data to provide Services to You, service Your requests, process
payments for the Services, communicate with You regarding the
Services, generally maintain Your Account with Us, and enhance and customize
Your overall experience on the Platform.
2. Manner of collection of Personal Data
Personal Data” means any information about an individual/natural person from
which that person can be identified, directly or indirectly, and also includes
information referred to as “personally identifiable information” or “personal
information” under applicable data privacy laws, rules, or regulations. It does not
include data where the identity has been removed or anonymous data and this
Privacy Policy does not apply to such anonymised data or de-identified or
aggregated data.
We collect Personal Data about You by different methods including through:
Information You voluntarily provide Us including during Account creation
This comprises of the Personal Data You provide directly to Us including while
creating an Account with Us, subscribing to Our Services, attending in an Event,
by providing Payment Details, or while providing feedback or by contacting Us;
Information automatically collected
Certain Personal Data about You is automatically collected by Our systems, in
connection with Your use of Our Services and/or visit to Our Platform through
cookies, third party tools, server logs and other similar technologies.
3. Data We collect about You
We collect the following categories of data about You:
Identification data
This includes Your image (profile picture) and complete name, email address,
complete address, pin code, city, country, mobile/telephone numbers, username or
similar identifier, title or designation and name of the organisation, if applicable.
Transactional data
This includes Payment Details and other information regarding payments You
make available to Us and other details of products and Services You have accessed
or used through the Platform. We do not store card details on Our servers. Credit
and debit card payments are processed by Third Party Service Providers engaged
by Us, including payment aggregators or gateways on their secure payment server
and all card details are fully encrypted and stored by them.
Automated data
This includes Your internet protocol (IP) address, third party tools, browser type
and version, software and hardware attributes and information, time zone setting
and location, browser plug-in types and versions, internet service provider, cookie
information, type of camera, microphone or speakers, device information,
operating system and website, browser actions and patterns and other technology
on the devices You use to access the Platform and/ or the Services.
Account data, User communications and Posts
This includes Your username and password (stored in encrypted format), Events
attended by You (including duration, participation/engagement, join and leave
time), Your interests, preferences (including communication preferences) and how
You use the Platform and Services, Your correspondences, emails, testimonials,
networking tables, postings, reviews, chat rooms, feedback and survey responses.
4. Use of data collected
Our primary purpose in collecting Personal Data is to provide You with a secure,
smooth, efficient, and customised experience on the Platform. In general, We
process Your Personal Data and non-Personal Data to create, develop, operate,
deliver, and improve the Platform and the Services. We shall use this information
in the following ways:
1. To create and manage Your Account;
2. To meet or fulfil the reason You provided the Personal Data to Us;
3. To provide, maintain, develop, protect, and improve the Services
including testing, research, analysis, and development of the Platform;
4. To understand Your preferences and to enhance and customize Your
experience of using the Platform;
5. To communicate with You about the Services, including Service
announcements, notices, updates, or changes;
6. To provide support and assistance for the Services;
7. To personalize Platform content and communications based on Your
8. To process transactions including purchase of Tickets or availing of
Subscription Plans, as may be applicable;
9. To respond to Your inquiries, grievances and fulfil Your requests or to
send any notice to You as specified in the Terms or this Privacy
10. To perform data analysis, analyse trends, internal research for
technological development;
11. To share such Personal Data with any Third Party Service Providers
engaged by the Company, in the course of providing or enabling
provision of the Services through the Platform;
12. To protect against or deter fraudulent, illegal, or harmful actions and
maintain safety, security, and integrity of the Platform and/or the
13. To comply with Our legal or contractual obligations, resolve disputes,
and enforce our Terms or this Privacy Policy; and
14. To respond to law enforcement requests as required by applicable law,
court order, or governmental regulations.
If you are a Host, in addition to the above, We may also use your Personal Data for
the following purposes:
1. To communicate with you about the offers and features in relation to
the Services; including serving targeted offers and ads through the
Services; and
2. To provide marketing communication to you.
It is hereby clarified that such offers, ads or marketing communications as referred
in clauses (i) & (ii) above are not directed towards Participants.
We will not collect additional categories of Personal Data or use the Personal Data
collected by Us for materially different, unrelated, or incompatible purposes
without seeking Your express consent.
Further, We may send You emails regarding Your use of the Services. If You do
not wish to receive communications from Us, please indicate Your preference by
emailing Us at You will not be able to opt-out of
receiving administrative messages, customer service responses or other
transactional communications. Also, We may receive a confirmation when You
open an email from Us, which helps Us improve Our Services.
If you are a Host, We may also send promotional emails to you. However, We will
provide you the ability to opt-out of receiving such promotional emails from Us. If
you do not wish to receive promotional communications from Us, please indicate
your preference by emailing Us at
If you are a Host, We may also use your name and logo for external marketing and
promotions, including on our website or in our other marketing collaterals.
5. Disclosure of Personal Data
Chipsoft may disclose Your Personal Data to third party vendors and service
providers including payment aggregators, processors or gateways (“Third Party
Service Providers”), to facilitate the provision of Services (or any part thereof)
through the Platform and to provide services, such as auditing, data analysis, and to
prevent, detect, mitigate, and investigate fraudulent or illegal activities related to
Our Services. Chipsoft may also disclose Personal Data of Hosts to Third Party
Service Providers for seeking their assistance with delivery of relevant marketing
messages and advertisements to Hosts. Chipsoft contractually mandates these
Third Party Service Providers to keep such Personal Data confidential and use it
only for the purposes for which Chipsoft discloses it to them.
Chipsoft may share or disclose Participant’s complete name, email address,
designation, organisation, country, and city and other information that may be
required by the Host, whose Event the Participant wishes to attend. If You are a
Participant, You expressly consent to the disclosure of Your aforementioned
Personal Data by Chipsoft to the relevant Host whose Event You wish to attend.
Further, Chipsoft may also share participation related details (including in the
booths in the arena) of the Participants with the Host from time to time. Such
participation related details may include the number of Participants who joined an
Event, number of visits by the Participants to a booth in the arena on the Platform,
number of new registrants for an Event, number of repeat registrants for an Event,
etc. Please note that Chipsoft is not liable for the treatment of such information
thereafter by the Host.
Please note that any Event Content or Personal Data that You share or upload
during any Event, either as a Participant or as a Host, accessing any of the
interactive features on the Platform, including turning on Your video camera or
audio feature on the Platform or a message or a chat sent by You or content shared
by You, can be viewed by other Users participating in that Event.
Chipsoft may need to disclose Your Personal Data, if required to do so by law or in
the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary inter-alia to: (a)
comply with a legal obligation or legal process; (b) protect and defend the legal
rights or property of the Company, including to enforce Our agreements, policies,
this Privacy Policy, and Terms; (c) protect the safety of the Company, including its
employees, representatives, agents, Users, or any person, in an emergency. In such
an event, the Company shall be under no obligation to inform You or seek Your
approval or consent.
We may share aggregated anonymized (and de-identified) information about You
with third parties either through the Platform or otherwise, at Our discretion. We
may also provide Platform level recommendations on matters relating to Services
and Hosts, which may be conducted by Chipsoft or any Third Party Service
Provider engaged by Chipsoft on its behalf, for this purpose.
Chipsoft may disclose or transfer Your information (personal or otherwise) to third
parties (including during negotiation) to whom Chipsoft may choose to sell,
transfer, merge or divest all or a portion of its business or assets or in connection
with any financing, acquisition, bankruptcy, dissolution, transaction, or
proceeding. Alternatively, Chipsoft may seek to acquire other businesses or merge
with them. In such cases, such third party shall be contractually bound to comply
with the terms of this Privacy Policy, in relation to any Personal Data disclosed to
Chipsoft may store information that You provide at data centres or servers,
whether owned, leased, licensed, or used by Chipsoft, at a jurisdiction different to
where You reside. By using Chipsoft or providing Personal Data for any of the
purposes stated in this Privacy Policy, You consent to the transfer to and storage of
Your Personal Data to any third party jurisdiction. We may store Your Personal
Data (or any portion thereof) locally in order to comply with requirements under
specific local laws and regulations which may be applicable to Us.
6. Security
Chipsoft takes reasonable steps to help protect Your rights of privacy and Your
Personal Data in an effort to prevent loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure,
alteration, or destruction of such information, in compliance with applicable laws.
The technical and organizational measures adopted by Us to protect Your Personal
Data have been determined after taking into account state of the art technology, the
cost of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing
as well as the risks of varying likelihood and severity for rights and freedoms of
natural persons posed by the processing, both at the time of the determination of
the means for processing and at the time of the processing itself. We have
implemented measures that ensure that only Personal Data which is necessary for
each specific purpose of processing is processed.
When Payment Details and other payment card account information is being
transmitted on or through the Platform, it will be protected by encryption
technology. You expressly consent to the collection and sharing of Your
information including Personal Data with Third Party Service Providers to process
payments and manage payment card information. Chipsoft does not itself store
Your payment or payment card information and does not have direct control over
or responsibility for Your payment or payment card information. Chipsoft takes
reasonable measures to protect the transmission of Your payment or payment card
information and/or Personal Data to ensure that they are secure. However, Chipsoft
assumes no liability or responsibility for disclosure of Your information including
Personal Data due to errors in transmission, unauthorized third party access, or
other causes beyond its reasonable control. You play an important role in keeping
Your Personal Data secure. You shall not share Your user name, password, or
other security information for Your Account with anyone.
7. Transparency and Consent
Your acknowledgement: All information disclosed by You shall be deemed to be
disclosed willingly and without any coercion. No liability pertaining to the
authenticity/ genuineness/ misrepresentation/ fraud/ negligence, etc. of the
information disclosed by You shall lie on Chipsoft, nor will Chipsoft in any way be
responsible to verify any information obtained from You.
You shall ensure and confirm that the Account information provided by You is
complete, accurate and up to date. If You provide any data that is untrue,
inaccurate, not current or incomplete (or becomes untrue, inaccurate, not current or
incomplete), or if Chipsoft has reasonable grounds to suspect that such data is
untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, Chipsoft has the right to suspend or
terminate Your Account and refuse any and all current or future use of the
Platform (or any portion thereof) at its discretion and/ or the Services, in addition
to any right that Chipsoft may have against You at law or in equity, for any
misrepresentation of information provided by You.
8. Withdrawal of consent
You may choose to withdraw Your consent to this Privacy Policy at any point in
time. Such withdrawal of the consent must be notified to the Company in writing
to In case You do not provide Your consent or later
withdraw Your consent, We request You not to access the Platform, Content and
use Services and We also reserve the right to not provide You any Services and/or
Content on the Platform. In such a scenario, the Company may delete Your
information (personal or otherwise) or de-identify it so that it is anonymous and
not attributable to You (except to the extent, as detailed in Clause 4 (xiii) and (xiv)
9. Right to Erasure
This is also known as ‘the right to be forgotten’ and, in simple terms, enables You
to request the deletion or removal of Your personal information where there’s no
compelling reason for Us to keep it. Such right of erasure can be exercised by
writing to Us at This is not a general right to erasure;
there are exceptions, such as when the law requires Us to retain certain personal
information about You or where such retention is required for providing Our
services to You, etc.
10. Public Posts
You may provide Your feedback, reviews, testimonials, etc. on the Platform on
Your use of the Services provided by the Company (“Posts”). Any content or
Personal Data (for instance, Your name, designation, name of the organisation) and
Posts that You share or upload on the publicly viewable portion of the Platform
(for instance, on discussion boards, networking tables, in messages and chat areas,
etc.) will be publicly available, and can be viewed by other Users and/ or other
visitors on the Platform. Your Posts shall have to comply with the conditions
relating to Posts and feedback as mentioned in the Terms and will also be governed
by the terms and conditions provided therein. The Company retains an
unconditional right to remove and delete any Post or such part of the Post that, in
the opinion of the Company, does not comply with the conditions in the Terms.
The Company reserves the right to use, reproduce and share Your Posts for any
purpose and in any manner as may be determined by Chipsoft in its sole discretion.
If You delete Your Posts from the Platform, copies of such Posts may remain
viewable in archived pages, or such Posts may have been copied or stored by other
11. Links to Third Party Sites and
collection of information
Our Platform may link You to other third party platforms (“Third Party Sites”)
that may collect Your Personal Data including Your IP address, browser
specification, or operating system. The Company is not in any manner responsible
for the security of such information or the privacy practices or content of those
Third Party Sites. Additionally, You may also encounter “cookies” or other similar
devices on certain pages of the Third Party Sites. Please note that the Platform does
not control the use of cookies by these Third Party Sites. These Third Party Sites
may have their own privacy policies governing the storage, processing, and
retention of Your information that You may be subject to. This Privacy Policy does
not govern any information provided to, stored on, or used by these Third Party
Sites. We recommend that when You enter a Third Party Site, You review the
Third Party Site’s privacy policy as it relates to safeguarding of Your information.
If You are a Host, the Third Party Service Providers may require You to comply
with certain additional requirements for processing payments including the
fulfilment of know-your-customer requirements. This may involve or require You
to directly provide such Third Party Service Providers with certain Personal Data
as may be required by them for such purpose. Please note that the treatment
(including storage, processing and retention) of such additional Personal Data
shared by You with such Third Party Service Providers, shall be governed by the
privacy policies of such Third Party Service Providers and not this Privacy Policy.
12. Information shared by Participant
directly with Host
The Host may request for certain information of the Participant during an Event
organised by the Host which is in addition to the information obtained by the
Platform. Such information shared by Participants with Hosts may include certain
special categories of information such as data revealing racial or ethnic origin,
political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership,
and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely
identifying a person, data concerning health or data concerning a person’s sex life
or sexual orientation. Please note that any such information shared by the
Participant with the Host is being provided directly by Participant to Host and the
Company and/ or Platform is in no manner involved in such sharing of
information. You hereby also consent that You are sharing such information with
the Host willingly. The Company shall in no manner be responsible and/or liable
for the use, misuse, or treatment of such information and this Privacy Policy does
not govern any such information shared by the Participant with the Host.
In case You are a Participant and/or a Host, You agree that You are solely
responsible for Event Content displayed or uploaded by You in using the Services
and for complying with all applicable laws pertaining to such Event Content,
including, but not limited to, laws requiring You to obtain consent or permission of
any third party to use any such content or portion thereof and to provide
appropriate notices of third party rights including in respect of any name, identity,
likeness or voice, submitted by You during an Event. You further represent and
warrant that You have the right to upload or share such Event Content and that
such use or reproduction thereof, does not violate or infringe on any rights of any
third party, including intellectual property rights.
Further, the Host shall have the right to use the Event Content of the relevant Event
in any manner as the Host may deem fit. In case You are a Participant, You hereby
grant the Host of the relevant Event, the right to record, use, reproduce, download,
distribute, adapt, publish, display (including recording thereof), globally, any
content submitted, displayed, posted or communicated by You while participating
in that Event, forming part of the Event Content, in any manner and form as may
be determined by the Host. If You do not wish to provide such right to the Host,
You may refrain from using the Platform and/or any Services provided therein.
Further, in case You are a Host, You hereby provide Your consent and authorise
Chipsoft to record all Events hosted by You by default, for and on Your behalf,
unless You disable the feature of recording available on the Platform. If You do
not wish any Event to be recorded, We request You to disable the feature of
recording immediately when You start or during an Event. Accordingly, the
relevant Event for which the recording feature was disabled will not be recorded
thereafter. The Host of an Event may, at any time, also instruct Chipsoft to delete
copies of any previously recorded Event hosted by such Host. Upon receipt of such
instruction from a Host, Chipsoft shall promptly delete all recordings of the
relevant Event in its possession.
13. Cookies
The Platform collects information about You through cookies, when You visit the
Platform, unless You tell Us not to, by adjusting Your cookie settings for the
website at any time by clicking on the ‘Cookie Icon’ at the bottom left of the
website, i.e., by disabling or refusing cookies. We use only necessary, marketing,
analytics, and tracking cookies. By way of these cookies, We collect Your
location, internet protocol, device information, browser type, internet service
provider, browser actions and patterns. We use cookies to analyse trends or
patterns on Our Platform, enable and improve Our Services and customise content
for You.
You may also set Your browser to block all cookies, including cookies associated
with Our Services, or to indicate when a cookie is being set by Us. However, it is
important to remember that many of Our Services may not function properly if
Your cookies are disabled.
For further details on how We manage Your cookies please refer to Cookie
14. Data Retention
The information that You provide to Us would be stored until You have an
Account with Us or until such time as We are required to provide Services to You
or till it is necessary in relation to the purposes for which such data was collected
or to store the information to resolve disputes, enforce Our agreements, and as
required under applicable law. We may further retain information in an anonymous
or aggregated form where that data would not identify You personally.
15. Amendments
Chipsoft retains an unconditional right to modify or amend this Privacy Policy.
You can determine when this Privacy Policy was last modified by referring to the
“Last Updated” legend above.
16. Contact Details
The Company is located at 440 N BARRANCA AVE #5787, COVINA, CA
91723, USA. If You have any questions, or any queries in relation to the Privacy
Policy and/or Your choices and rights thereof, please free to contact Us via email
17. Grievance Officer
In the event You have any grievances relating to the Privacy Policy, please inform
the Company the instance of the grievance, by writing an email to the designated
officer Mr. Nikhil Dwivedi at
Additional Rights and obligations for Users
resident in California:
California’s “Shine the Light” law (Civil Code Section § 1798.83) permits Users
that are California residents to request certain information regarding disclosure of
their Personal Data to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make
such a request, please send an email to
California law requires that We provide You with a summary of Your privacy
rights under the California Online Privacy Protection Act (“CA COPPA”) and the
California Business and Professions Code. As required by CA COPPA, We will
provide You with the categories of Personal Data that We collect through the
Platform, and the categories of third party persons or entities with whom such
Personal Data may be shared for direct marketing purposes (in the case of Hosts) at
Your request. California law requires Us to inform You, at Your request, (1) the
categories of Personal Data We collect and what third parties We share such
Personal Data with; (2) the names and addresses of those third parties; and (3)
examples of the products marketed by those companies. CA COPPA further
requires Us to allow You to control who You do not want Us to share Your
Personal Data with. To obtain this information, please send an email
to When contacting Us, please indicate Your name,
address, email address, and what Personal Data You do not want Us to share with
Our marketing partners. The request should be labelled “California Customer
Choice Notice.” Please allow 30 (thirty) days for a response.
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of
The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (“COPPA”) requires that
online service providers obtain parental consent before they knowingly collect
personally identifiable information online from children who are under 13
(thirteen) years of age. If You are a child under 13 (thirteen), please do not attempt
to register for or otherwise use the Services or send Us any of Your Personal Data
without obtaining the consent of Your parents. If We learn We have collected
Personal Data from a child under 13 (thirteen) years of age, We will delete that
information as quickly as possible. If You believe that a child under 13 (thirteen)
years of age may have provided Us Personal Data, please contact Us
Additional Rights and obligations for Users
located in the European Economic Area
(EEA) and the United Kingdom
If You are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA) or the United
Kingdom and You use the Platform and/or the Services, for the purposes of
applicable data protection law (in particular, the General Data Protection
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the GDPR“)), please note that in addition to the terms
set out above, the terms set out in the privacy notice at (“Privacy Notice”) shall
also be applicable to You. To the extent of any conflict between this Privacy Policy
and the Privacy Notice, the Privacy Notice shall prevail.